Whether you're a seasoned HubSpot professional or just getting started on this powerful platform, our blog is here to guide you as you add a new user to your account.
PLEASE NOTE: You must have “add and edit user” permissions enabled for your HubSpot account in order to add someone else to the platform. Not sure whether you do? No problem. By following along the first few steps, you’ll be able to see your own permission settings.
Let's get started.
Adding Users to HubSpot
Step 1: Log into your HubSpot account and click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.

Step 2: Next go to the left sidebar menu, and click “Users & Teams.”

Step 3: Then, go to the upper right and click “Create user.”

Step 4: Now it’s time to add your users. HubSpot gives a two different ways to do this:
MANUALLY: You can type the email addresses into the “Add email address(es) field” by hand. Use a comma to separate email addresses if you’ve got multiple.
USING CSV IMPORT: You can also import users from a CSV file. This is ideal if you are adding a lot of users at once. The max is 100 users. To use this method, you’ll need to prep your CSV file first. In your spreadsheet, add a column labeled “Email.” Fill the column with your intended users’ email addresses, one per row. Make sure to save the file in a CSV format or else your upload won’t work. Back in the HubSpot menu, click “A CSV file.” Then, drag and drop your CSV file, or click choose file to browse files on your computer.

Step 5: Whether your added users manually or by CSV, click “Next” to submit them for new accounts.
Setting User Permissions in HubSpot
It’s crucial to exercise caution when determining access levels for your new users.
I’ve seen instances where organizations grant a large number of people “Super Admin” status. It’s a level of access that should be reserved for a select few due to its potential to create significant changes within your instance of HubSpot. While it might suit smaller teams to give everyone this permission, exercising restraint is advisable, especially with junior team members still learning to navigate HubSpot's intricacies.
Additionally, it may be helpful to note that you can only assign permission sets equal to the level of access you have. So if you are a “Super Admin,” you can assign someone any level of access but if you have “Marketing” access you would not be able to grant someone “Super Admin” access.
While it's ideal to establish the correct user access parameters upon account creation, the platform is flexible and will allow the permissions to be adjusted as needed later on.
Use the following steps to assign permissions to your new user(s).
Step 6: Pick one of the following:
Use a pre-existing customized permission set (Enterprise only): HubSpot allows you to create and save sets of permissions that you’ve customized out of a complete menu of options. For example, you may have created a permission set for a hybrid role that gives users access to both marketing and sales functions in HubSpot. Selecting this pre-existing custom permission set for your new user will grant them that same level of access.
Start with a template: For users with more straightforward needs (or HubSpot instances below Enterprise level), HubSpot streamlines user access with default permission sets tailored to their specific job function. For instance, adding a user to your marketing team enables them with a relevant, templated permission set full of marketing functionality.
Start from scratch: HubSpot allows you to build your permissions from the ground up. Here’s a helpful breakdown of HubSpot's permissions.

Step 7: Click “Review access” and then click “Next” when you are ready to move on from this stage.
Finalize The Email Invite
Step 8: Before you click “Send,” be sure to review the permissions one last time.
Step 9: Once you’re confident you’ve got everything entered correctly, click “Send.”
Congrats, you are done! An email will be sent notifying the new user(s) that their HubSpot account is ready for them to use. It will include a link they can use to set their own password.
If you have any questions or need any HubSpot assistance, we’ve got a team of experts who are ready to lend a hand.
Want to learn more? We’ve got a number of HubSpot how-to blogs that can help guide you: